Wednesday, 25 December 2013

The Freak Show : The Giant Monstera and The Frankenstein.

Almost a year ago a bunch of good friends from Jakarta Berkebun came to our house and helping us out with the kebun.
They planted various veggies and spices/herbs. We're having a quite successful harvest three months after: kangkung, spinach, tomato, beans, cucumber, chili, etc. Other than that, they also had a biopori workshop for us to make the piece of land that we have in this city useful for the others as it could be functioned as anti-flood strategy (please somebody call Jokowi or Ahok on this, biopori is important, Bapak!)

Anyway, we manage to create a more clean look for our Kebun these days. Only rumput and some trees, the kebun still needs 1-2 shaving times per month. We also still keep one small piece of the kebun right in front of the kitchen for planting some veggies like tomato, egg plant, and some herbs, spices like chili, mint, etc.

We have some old trees that already been here since forever: mango, jambu air, rambutan, melinjo, kelapa/coconut, nangka/jackfruit and also some new trees that we carefully planted when we landed here for the first time: cherry, biola cantik. One month ago we received some of those pretty leafy plants like monstera and The Wave of Love' anthurium from my Mom, with her love, also this bright yellow alamanda.

In the meanwhile, my late Dad leave us some of his precious plants. I decided to adopt some of his frangipani trees since I've obsessed with anything frangipani, thanks to my grandma's sense of her kebun' styling. I really need to have twin frangipani as the house "guard", anchoring all to the ground.

Dad' frangipanis turn out to be one of the amazing things I've ever seen. Apparently he created one tree of frangipani from two different colors: yellow and red. So the adopted trees keep blooming with different shades every single day: sometimes we have one bud blooms yellow with a hint of red, another bud rebels with all red and no yellow petals. Such drama!

To add the freak show around, this one year old cherry tree grows so fast that it's now taller than the house. We try to maintain its ballerina look by cutting some layers of the lower branches. Its main stem is soo thin that I'm afraid it would be collapse due to Ragunan fierce wind and rain.

We're quite happy with our own Freak Show Kebun while I keep thinking about small swimming pool that of course it would not be good for Jakarta' sake.

Frankenstein Frangipani from My Dad' precious garden:
It keeps produce flowers in different shades/gradation

The Gorgeous Giant  Monstera from Mom and The Old Mango Tree

The One Year Old Freak Cherry Tree

Anthurium Madness: Wave of Love

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